We're not the dowdy, old fogy fuddy-duds the mainstream media try to portray us as. We rock! Our ideas rock! Our music rocks! And on November 2nd 2010, we rocked this nation from coast to coast! So whether you're 18 or 80, if you love freedom, calling your own shots, limited government, American exceptionalism, the Constitution, and telling DC (and Boise, Tallahassee, Sacramento, Austin, Albany, Nashville, etc) to mind their own damn business, you're a Tea Party Rocker. So let's rock!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

53% by 10 Pound Test music and lyrics by AJ Anonymous
copyright 2012

You got a lot of nerve to say you speak for me.
You say we're both the 99%, that's not what I see.
You sit in your tent, smoking dope, and bashing the American Way
While I get out of bed, take a shower, and go to work each day.

Ten years of college, and three useless degrees.
Psychology and Humanities were easy As, or in your case, Cs.
But not you got no job, you can't pay your bills, 'cause with all that school you've got no skills
That anybody needs, you can't afford a home, so how's that anyone's fault but your own?

We...are...the 53%, and we're sick and tired of how our money's spent
By the socialists in our government.
Their "fundamental change" we resent!
We...are...the 53%, income taxes, we pay every cent.
We do it without your acknowledgement
'Cause we...are...the 53%!

I'm not a rich man, but I plan one day to be.
Gonna get there by workin' hard, and self-sufficiency.
I don't hold a grudge against the 1%, but their very existence you resent.
Life's not fair, there are no guarantees, you gotta work 'cause nothing in life is free!

We...are...the 53%, we're not the cause of your predicament.
We're getting tired of your lament that you're the victim of the Establishment.
We...are...the 53%, and you're so smug and arrogant.
You show no gratitude for what you've been lent by us...the...53%!


The American Way, you despise it
I defended it, you criticize it.
Don't play by the rules, you don't participate
You just march in the streets and spew your hate.
You're against our system of free enterprise
'Cause competition is so unfair in your eyes.
You wanna bring it down, our nation on its knees,
Well that makes you my enemy!

'Cause we...are...the 53%, we make it all work, we're the cement
That holds society together for your betterment, but everything we stand for you resent!
'Cause we...are...the 53%, you're so hostile and belligerent
We've drawn a line against your intent, 'cause we...are...the 53%!
The 53%...
The 53%!
We...are...the 53%...

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